[Paper] Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Our research paper entitled "Design and Internal Structure Analysis of Submicron Aggregated and Porous Three-Way Catalyst Particles Synthesized via Spray Drying for Enhanced CO Conversion" was accepted in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF=9.4) on January 27th, 2025.

Ai Ando, Tomoyuki Hirano, Kiet Le Anh Cao, Eka Lutfi Septiani, Eishi Tanabe, Risti Ragadhita, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Takashi Ogi*, Design and Internal Structure Analysis of Submicron Aggregated and Porous Three-Way Catalyst Particles Synthesized via Spray Drying for Enhanced CO Conversion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF=9.4), in press (Ac2025/1/27, Pb2025/XX/XX)

Thermal Fluid Materials Engineering Laboratory

Chemical Engineering Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Hiroshima University Welcome to TME Lab.'s Homepage!!