[Conference] ICCCI2018, Kurashiki
Ogi, Nakakura, Ghana, and Hirano had a presentation in The 6th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials (ICCCI2018) held in Kurashiki July 9-12.
Takashi Ogi, Aditya Farhan Arif
Interface control synthesis and functionalization of nanostructured particle
2018/07/10 (Invited oral)
Febrigia Ghana Rinaldi, Aditya Farhan Arif, Takashi Ogi
Pt/TiOx nanoparticles and their enhanced performance for organic dye degradation
2018/07/11 (Oral)
Shuhei Nakakura, Febrigia Ghana Rinaldi, Tomoyuki Hirano, Ratna Balgis, Takashi Ogi
Direct synthesis of single-phase hexagonal tungsten oxide nanorods by spray pyrolysis method
2018/07/10 (Poster)
Tomoyuki Hirano, Shuhei Nakakura, Febrigia Ghana Rinaldi, Takashi Ogi
Synthesis of Cs0.32WO3 Nanoparticles via flame-assisted spray pyrolysis
2018/07/10 (Poster)