Takashi Ogi, Tomoyuki Tachimi, Norizou Saitoh, Toshiyuki Nomura, Yasuhiro Konishi, IUMRSアジア国際会議2008奨励賞, 受賞題目: Biosynthesis of single-crystalline gold nanoplates using the metal ion-reducing bacteria (2008/12/13)
Takashi Ogi, Tomoyuki Tachimi, Norizou Saitoh, Toshiyuki Nomura, Yasuhiro Konishi, IUMRSアジア国際会議2008奨励賞, 受賞題目: Biosynthesis of single-crystalline gold nanoplates using the metal ion-reducing bacteria (2008/12/13)
Thermal Fluid Materials Engineering Laboratory
Chemical Engineering Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Hiroshima University Welcome to TME Lab.'s Homepage!!