National Central University–Hiroshima University Joint Symposium on Materials Chemistry and Physics

Ogi, Kiet, and Kikkawa joined the National Central University–Hiroshima University Joint Symposium on Materials Chemistry and Physics held in Taiwan (October 31- November 2).

Takashi Ogi*: Design and Control of Highly Ordered Nanostructured Particle for Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (Oct.31 2019)

Kiet Le Anh Cao, Takashi Ogi*: Facile Synthesis of SiOx@C Core−Shell Particles as the

Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries (Nov.1 2019)

Jun Kikkawa, Tomoyuki Hirarno, Takashi Ogi*: A Newly Developed Nanoparticles Processing using Tubular Flame Reactor (Nov.1 2019)

Thermal Fluid Materials Engineering Laboratory

Chemical Engineering Program Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Hiroshima University Welcome to TME Lab.'s Homepage!!