Visit Karolinska Institutet!
Prof. Ogi, Prof. Hirano, and Prof. Cao visit Karolinska Institutet at Sweden to discuss with Prof. Georgios Sotiriou and Prof. Alexandra Teleki.
荻教授、平野助教、Cao助教がGeorgios Sotiriou先生とAlexandra Teleki 先生に会うため、スウェーデンのカロリンスカ研究所(カロリンスカ医科大学)を訪問し、講演を行いました。
Takashi Ogi:
“Aerosol Nanostructured Particles for Advanced Functional Materials ”
Tomoyuki Hirano:
"Particle Nanostructuring in Flames for Environmental and Energy Applications"
Kiet Le Anh Cao:
"Development of nanostructured carbon spheres derived from biomass for supercapacitor application"